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Humans are incapable of self-growth.(A Very Deep Thought)

2024-10-08 04:07

・SDGs Category





People do not willingly go down a path that puts them in danger.
Dominated by the desire for self-approval, they unconsciously take the path of self-gratification.
They take the path of covering their own weaknesses.

And they use the words “self-growth” as a weapon.
And they become intoxicated by this appearance.
This intoxication is very dangerou


The planet we live on is in peril. Some people are not in an environment conducive to self-growth. We do not even have that foundation.
We need to realize that claiming self-growth is both easy and dangerous.
We also need to know the darkness. Not knowing the facts is very dangerous.
And these things can cause people to resent us and create conflict.

We can only move forward with goals that will never be realized. This is the depth of sin we have committed over the years. It is really important.

We cannot live alone. Even if we are in different places, we cannot rejoice if our neighbor is crying. This is what it means to be a community. The people of the earth are a community. We live under the same sun and moon.
If there is a group of victims, but there is a group of winners, that group of winners is a group of euphoria.

We need to seriously and deeply consider these matters.
The planet will not get better unless every human being on it has access to advanced education and mental health care. This is the truth.

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