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If thinking is reduced due to dependency symptoms, the ability to recognize the logic of the array of subatomic particles in the brain is reduced.

2024-07-23 14:08

・SDGs Category





Dependence is the creation of a story that is not true. The purpose of entering the delusional world is to numb the delusional attacks that occur in the brain and to gain a transient sense of release. To be temporarily free of fear and pain.

Alcoholism or methamphetamine addiction can produce a delusional sense of superiority as one becomes dazed and unable to hear the voices that are accusing him or her.

In the same way, qualifications, authority, and money can satisfy a sense of self-satisfied superiority. Another symptom of dependence is to create an idealized image of the other person that is not true, whether in a relationship or in a man-woman relationship. Idealizing celebrities and other people can also be a symptom of dependence.

These are symptoms of disease. Just like physical illnesses, mental illnesses can also be symptoms of mental wounds.

The human brain is always aware of the truth of the subatomic world. However, disease symptoms create a delusional world. In the delusion, we are only in a fuzzy world of superiority, but in reality, our psyche is necrotic.

It is the same with the body. The body is a subatomic world, always unchanging and in perfect circulation. If we are wounded and left unchecked, the wound will only continue to spread. As the pain increases, we can become dazed and unable to think.

Injuries to the human brain also cause symptoms. If left unchecked without proper treatment, negative emotions will arise. If the negative feelings are suppressed, delusional symptoms will appear and an imaginary, false world will expand due to dependence. If the majority of people share this imaginary world, the human race will perish due to the plague of the mind.

Currently, many human beings are experiencing symptoms of dependence. Methods of controlling anger and emotions are taught everywhere. This is because many human beings suffer from negative emotions.

And a society has been created in which the value of a person is determined by money and status. In order to be free from negative emotions, people are desperate to pursue money and gain status. In addition, the society continues to be unequal to human beings, and psychological wounds are everywhere. In the subatomic world, humans are grasped as equals. However, due to human guilt, negative emotions and dependency symptoms, the unequal society has not stopped.

Healing the wounds of the human psyche and bringing them to a state of health is what is most needed to achieve sustainable goals.

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