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The human brain classifies and translates into words an infinite system of subatomic logic

2024-07-20 07:47

・SDGs Category





The human brain classifies and translates into words an infinite system of subatomic logic

Humans live surrounded by many physical phenomena.

Everything is made of minute subatomic particles, atoms, and molecules.
The human body is also made of minute subatomic particles. So is the human brain.

We humans live in many structures, of which only a few are understood.

The human brain does not see a “desk” but grasps it with elementary particles. In the human brain, the infinite world of beautiful subatomic particles is constantly being grasped.

And our brain has the ability to classify and translate the infinite logical system of subatomic particles into words such as sun, person, desk, chair, etc.

Humans often think of subatomic particles as concepts and “desks” as concrete, when in fact subatomic particles are concrete and the word “desk” is a concept, an abstraction.

By converting words into subatomic particles and subatomic particles into words, humans can improve their ability to verbalize, communicate with others, and create in the subatomic world.

One of the tasks necessary to improve our ability to verbalize is to study historically spun disciplines. Knowing many words and developing logical thinking skills leads to grasping the classification of elementary particles in the brain as logic.

We can see that the concepts of words are not facts, but that words create rules of shared perception that are unique to human beings.
We must ensure that this shared perception is not at odds with the world of elementary particles.

However, when our psyche becomes ill, our subatomic classification and language conversion become hindered. In other words, our vision must not be abnormal. If one eye becomes blind, veiled, or blinkered, we cannot perceive the subatomic world.

Like the body, if the mind is overworked or damaged and left unchecked, it will affect cognitive and transformative functions, making it impossible to see the concrete subatomic world accurately, resulting in a distorted and false world. Furthermore, when large numbers of people are afflicted with a mental plague and create a shared perception on top of it, the shared world becomes a virtual space that is not factual.

Humans, despite their best efforts, wreak havoc on nature and refuse to stop fighting. This sustainable goal is said to be the last chance for us humans.

When the mind and spirit are sick, the brain is also affected. When this happens, harmonious creation becomes impossible. We cannot create as a concept because the template is broken.

First, the mind and spirit must be healed. Instead of continuing to overwork the brain with distorted brain functions, the first priority should be to create a healthy mental state, a pure mind, and a normal brain interior. And the cognitive and integrative functions within the brain must be healthy.
Otherwise, everything is just complacency in a distorted virtual space.

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