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Tips to change your mindset for those with a personality that gets depressed when things aren't perfect😊 .

2024-07-07 03:13

・SDGs Category





Being perfect may be an underlying value that is great, but it is the wrong mindset.

If anything, it is an old way of thinking.

Behind the desire to be perfect may be a lack of love or a need for self-approval, and it may be because we are afraid that if we are not perfect, we will not be accepted.

When living in a small group, one's role may be significant. However, today's society has evolved to the point where we live in majority groups.

Food is produced by farmers you don't know, and there are many products imported from abroad. The same goes for clothing.

When you live in a large society, you are not expected to be able to do everything perfectly.

By finding and utilizing your own special abilities, you will be able to work as a team. (In times of weakness, you may believe that you have nothing to offer, but there is no one person who has nothing to offer.)

If you are not good at something, it is better to let others do it for you.

Aiming for perfection and focusing on all the things you can't do yourself is just focusing your vision on a small, cozy society.

While wanting to be perfect is self-denying, it is also self-defeating, and while you may think you are walking toward growth by setting your sights on a perfect world, you are actually just shrinking into a small world of vision.

It is also like a mensch. Sometimes, without realizing it, we are intoxicated with ourselves, depressed in a less-than-perfect place.

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