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People who have developed a rich thought process have weapons.

2024-07-04 17:08

・SDGs Category






What happens when a person with a few circuits of thought in the brain meets a person with many circuits of thought in the brain?

It is similar to putting advanced programming into a computer that has only low-level programming.

When a few circuits of thought collide with many circuits of thought, in the blink of an eye, the person with a few circuits of thought becomes ill.

Being highly intelligent means that you have a weapon that can break the brain and mind of a less intelligent person.
This is an unconscious and inevitable action, a mechanism in the brain.

For example, let us compare a few thought processes to a pudding and many complex thought processes to a sword.
When the soft pudding and the sword interact, the pudding is crushed.
If you only know the pudding world and have an advantage of being a pudding, you will mount the sword in pudding language when you first meet it. If there is aggression in the language that pudding speaks to the sword, the sword will also be ready to take a stance. However, the pudding is crushed by the slightest touch from the sword.

That is how strong a person is who has developed many concrete and abstract perceptions and a rich thought process.

This is happening unconsciously, so he does not know it.

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