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Consciousness is always active, so to study consciousness in stasis is to study something different.

2024-04-29 03:43

・SDGs Category





The competitive society of human beings, with its material prosperity, has created a structure that is incapable of unraveling the immaterial psyche.

To rebuild the human psyche, it is impossible to unravel the manifest circuits alone. Are psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, counselors, and clinical psychologists, who are currently qualified to provide psychiatric care, capable of unraveling the psyche? Doctors can interview and treat patients because they know something about the body.

The human psyche cannot be said to be elucidated by manifest knowledge. To know the human spirit, we must learn from our own spirit. That is the only way to know. The body can be studied through the bodies and remains of others. But the psyche is always in motion, and if you study it standing still, you are studying something different. The spirit, which is moving minute by minute, can only be seen through the spirit, which is moving minute by minute. A commentary that has been studied after it has been stilled becomes a questioning and treatment that stills the human spirit.

Isn't that what is happening in psychiatry today? The psyche is always in motion. To see them, we must be able to respond to them.

The medical questionnaire for mental illness, mental disorders, and developmental disorders is a questionnaire in the manifest circuit of the human being. This means that we are examining the human being as a doll. Thus, we are not developing treatments for the psyche. On the contrary, psychiatry has become a function of stopping human circulation, not human health, and we have a system that has gone off the rails.


For example, they are unable to grasp their own suffering from guilt, and temporarily reassure themselves by evaluating the words and actions of others as good or bad and perceiving themselves as being good. This is similar to the act of harassment. This behavior occurs in seizure symptoms and may cause a primary flare-up, but the sense of self-guilt is increased.

In the human psyche, these symptoms are occurring in all human beings today. Dependency symptoms occur before they can be elucidated because of the inability to verbalize the guilt that causes mental illness. Then, with material wealth and authority, the illusion of self-guilt is created that one's guilt is forgiven. Terrifyingly, there is no detailed verbalization of material wealth and authority, and these have become socially accepted ideas that are easily evaluated as proof of success. These are the compositions that have been created from the manifest thought processes.

Without knowing where the triggers of this social structure and the cycle in dependency symptoms are, people are on the path to destruction. This will lead to an increase in the number of mentally ill and psychotic people, pollution of nature, and destruction of nature everywhere.

To solve these problems, we cannot find any solution, even if we think of a solution with a thought process that still harbors the dependency symptoms in the manifest consciousness. A person with harassment symptoms must find the original cause of the symptoms in order to stop them. The seizure symptoms will not stop even if the self tries to stop them.

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